Friday, February 3, 2012

Diagnosing skin diseases and treating them

There are many skin diseases diagnosed in this recent world. These skin disease are heart breaking because they are obvious to other's eyes and make you feel embarrassed. They may be annoying, serious and deadly causing disfigurement. Some of the top skin diseases are acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, skin cancer, warts impetigo, scabies, burns, boils and lyme disease.


The diagnosis is completely based on assessment and tests, and it differs for each disease. History of the client plays an important role in diagnosing a particular disease.
1. Exposure to chemical and environmental pollutants.
2. Exposure to radiation.
3. Exposure to sun.
4. Lack of personal hygiene habits.
5. Use of heavy cosmetics and harsh soaps.
6. Long term medications like corticosteroids or anti-coagulants.
7. Nutritional deficiencies.
8. Emotional stress.


1. Skin biopsy: A small piece of skin tissue is collected for histopathologic study.
2. Skin culture: A small skin sample is sent to identify the existance and growth of any organism.
3. Wood's light examination: Skin is viewed under ultra violet rays through woods glass for any superficial infections.
4. Skin testing: An allergen is administered to the surface or into the dermis.
5. Anti-nuclear antiboby blood tests.

Looking for the change in color, size or shape of lesion; itching, soreness, pain, swelling, redness and warmth, burning, paresthesia and the specific body area affected will give an idea about the disease.


1. When you notice any abnormal lesion report immediately to your doctor.
2. Do not panic about the diagnosis instead take the treatment as early as you can.
3. Take medication and undergo treatment continuously. Do not discontinue treatment on your own which is very fatal.
4. If the disease is caused due to exposure to chemical or radiation (occupational hazard) then try to change your job.
5. Meet a psychologist and identify ways to reduce your stress.
6. Take adequate measures to prevent spread of infection to others.
7. Take protective isolation measures to avoid getting infection.
8. Wear appropriate clothing.

Never feel isolated from friends and family, they are there to help you. Involve in work that improves your self esteem. Keep in mind the change in body image is usually temporary.

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