Thursday, February 9, 2012
Paraphimosis is a condition affecting the penis, in which the foreskin is retracted behind the glans and, because of narrowness and subsequent swelling, it cannot be brought back to its usual position. In other words, it can be described as the inability of the foreskin to cover the glans penis once pulled back. It is a rare problem that generally occurs in men who are not circumcised or who are partially circumcised.
It is considered as one of the medical emergencies because blood gets trapped which may lead to gangrene and other complications that may even result in the removal of the penis. It is noticed that patients in hospitals are more prone to paraphimosis because the foreskin is retracted for various purposes (by medical professionals) such as an examination, cystoscopy, catheterization and cleaning catheters, and may be left in the same retracted position (due to carelessness) for several hours or days resulting in paraphimosis. Thus, paraphimosis is usually induced by someone and commonly not by oneself. There are cases reported of paraphimosis after erections.
Paraphimosis constricts the blood flow from glans penis to prepuce causing swelling and severe pain. Apart from swelling and pain, children may complain of difficulty in urination. Paraphimosis can be mild, moderate or severe. The prognosis is very good with mild paraphimosis. It can be manually reduced by compressing the glans penis firmly to reduce its size and then pushing the glans back while moving the prepuce forward. This is possible only when the condition is mild and treatment is sought at the earliest.
Moderate paraphimosis can also be reduced manually but may need other conservative measures as well. Circumcision is usually indicated once the inflammation and swelling subsides. In severe cases of paraphimosis, a procedure called dorsal slit is performed where a small incision is made in the foreskin to release the strangulation and allowing the blood to flow freely. There is also another method called the dundee technique where a fine needle is inserted to aspirate the fluid or blood from the edematous area and thereby releasing pressure. However, circumcision is performed surgically after immediate care.
Circumcision is the excision of the foreskin, or prepuce of the glans penis. It is performed in children for hyegienic purpose and in adults as a part of treatment for paraphimosis. Bleeding is one of the complication after surgery and should be watched carefully. Adults express a lot of pain after circumcision and hence pain killers are used liberally. If the paraphimosis is left without treatment for longer periods, the blood flow to the distal part of the penis is obstructed, resulting in necrosis. The only treatment of choice for this condition is partial amputation of the penis (surgical removal of the distal part of the penis).
Collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis of the testis is called hydrocele. The fluid may also get collected within the spermatic cord. The word hydrocele means "a sac of water". It is a most common condition seen in 1% of the male adult population. It is a benign swelling that is usually painless. Hydrocele may be acute or chronic.
Acute hydrocele may occur in association with acute infection of the epididymis or as a result of local injury or due to any systemic infectious disease like mumps. The cause of chronic hydrocele is still unknown. Hydrocele can be present both in children as well as in older men. In children, it is usually due to patent processus vaginalis and in adults it may be because of any tumor, inflammation or trauma. Tumor, inflammation or trauma may increase the production of serous fluid which results in hydrocele. Hydrocele can occur due to decreased reabsorption of serous fluid by the lymphatics or the venous system which may be associated with conditions like inguinal hernia.
The affected person is initially asymptomatic, but later may present with complaints like scrotal swelling or mass that is large, increasing in size, uncomfortable and embarrassing. The symptoms vary and are directly related to the causes mentioned above. That is, if the person comes with hydrocele giving a history of recent trauma, he may have symptoms like pain and swelling. If the hydrocele is caused due to an infection, he may present with the symptoms like urge to urinate, pain or discomfort during urination and increased frequency in urination.
Diagnosis is made by considering the history and giving a physical examination of the patient. Hydrocele may sometimes be misunderstood for hernia which can be differentiated by a procedure called transillumination. Hydrocele transmits light when transilluminated while hernia does not. Treatment is not necessary unless the hydrocele becomes very painful or affects circulation. There are various treatments available for hydrocele. They are fine needle aspiration, needle aspiration with injection of sclerosing agent and surgical removal.
Fine needle aspiration is a simple surgical procedure that is relatively painless. A fine needle is inserted and the fluid is withdrawn. The problem with this procedure is that there are high chances for the fluid to reaccumulate. Aspiration with injection of sclerosing agent and surgical removal has good results. In the surgical removal of the hydrocele, an incision is made in the wall of the scrotum down to the enlarged tunica vaginalis. The sac is opened and the content is removed followed by suturing the them together to collapse the wall.
After the surgery the person is instructed to wear tight underwear or an athletic supporter for support and comfort. Pain killers are administered for a week after the surgery. Daily change of dressings as an out patient may be necessary to avoid infections. The major complication after this surgery is formation of hematoma in the loose scrotal tissues.
Thus hydrocele is just collection of fluids and it is not something to be embarrassed about. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, get in touch with your doctor and get treated at the early stage.
Swine flu party
Swine flu was the talk of the world affecting millions in 2009. It first emerged in 1918 and people had very little idea of what exactly it was. Between 1918 and 2010, the investigations on this infectious disease had become very serious and various truths have been identified. Swine flu is also called as swine influenza or pig flu or hog flu. It has different strains namely H1N1, H1N2, H2N3, H3N1, H3N2 and H4N6. The most common among them that infected North America was theH1N1 strain.
It is still a query whether this disease spread from pigs to humans or from humans to pigs because both were affected with the same kind of virus and fell sick at the same time. However, this disease can spread between pigs, from pigs to human, between humans, from pigs to birds and from birds to pigs. Though spread of infection from pigs to humans are rare, being close with pigs (working in a pig farm, or even visiting a pig farm) can cause the disease because they are airborne. It also spreads by eating pork (pig meat) that is not properly treated for the disease and not properly cooked.
The elderly and the young children easily fall prey to this disease. The pandemic outbreak of this infectious disease in 2009 also suggests that those who had supressed immunity like pregnant women, diabetics, leukemia were highly affected . The symptoms of swine flu are fever, chills, sore throat, cough, tiredness, body pain, head ache and in some cases diarrhea and vomiting is also noted.
Swine flu party is a party organized between the normal people and the people affected with swine flu for the unaffected people to get infected with the swine flu virus to produce immunity. The doctors and the government think having a swine flu party is not a good idea due to various reasons like
1. There is no complete idea about the disease and the doctors and scientists worry that getting infection this way might produce more virulent viruses that may be hard to treat than getting an immunity.
2. Not everyone who gets infected with this virus will get immunity but they might even suffer the consequences of the disease. The 'consequences' means not just getting mild symptoms, it might even result in death.
3. As the vaccines are just being prepared there won't be enough vaccines to treat everyone who is affected with the disease.
4. There will not be enough medical professionals to take care of the people if everyone is affected. This kind of parties will not only spread the infection to the ones who desire to have it but also spread to those who don't desire it.
5. At the end, there will not be a stop to this infection. Not only the human race but every living species will die of this infectious disease.
It is always good to get an immunity naturally. Getting immunity by disease is okay if it comes to you on its own where you have family members and medical professionals are there to take care of you. Never invite a disease because you won't know where it will take you. Swine flu can be easily prevented so why take risks unnecessarily.
How to treat colo-rectal cancers?
Cancer of the colon or rectum is the second most common type of cancer in the United States. It is estimated that 156,000 new cases of colorectal cancers are diagnosed in this country every year. The incidence of the disease increases with age (usually over 50 years). People with family history of colon cancer and in those with polyps or chronic inflammatory bowel disease are more prone to this type of cancer. Studies also show that the incidence of cancer in the rectum has decreased, whereas the incidence of cancer in the colon has increased.
Though there is a wide variety of treatments available for cancer of colon and rectum, it is unfortunate that half of 156,000 people diagnosed each year die. The exact cause of colon and rectal cancer is still unknown. But diet, family history of cancer colon or polyps, history of inflammatory bowel disease put such people at risk.
Symptoms are greatly determined by the location of the cancer and its stage. Change in bowel habits, blood in stools, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and unexplained anaemia are the most common symptoms that indicate tumor in colon or rectum. Some of the other symptoms are dull abdominal pain, abdominal distension, cramping, constipation, narrowing of stools and black stools.
The treatment of the colorectal cancer depends on the stage of the cancer and the related complications. They are both medically and surgically treated according to the person's general status. Medically, the person is relieved of their symptoms by administering IV fluids, applying naso-gastric suction and blood transfusions. Adjuvent therapy is usually administered in addition to surgical treatment which include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy.
Some of the chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of colorectal cancers are 5-Fluorouracil or levamesole regimen and methyl CCNU with doses of pelvic radiation. Radiation therapy is now used predominently before, during and after the surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and reduce the risk of recurrence. Recent data demonstrate that recieving some form of adjuvent therapy increases the survival rate and delays the recurrence of tumor.
Surgery is the primary treatment for most colon and rectal cancers. Surgery may be curative or palliative (relieve symptoms). The type of surgery depends on the location and size of the tumor. The surgical procedures of choice are:
SEGMENTAL RESECTION WITH ANASTOMOSIS which is removal of tumor and connecting the remaining portions of the bowel on either side along with the blood vessels and lymphatic nodes.
ABDOMINOPERINEAL RESECTION WITH PERMANENT SIGMOID COLOSTOMY which is removal of the tumor and a portion of the sigmoid and all of the rectum and anal sphincter.
TEMPORARY COLOSTOMY FOLLOWED BY SEGMENTAL RESECTION AND ANASTOMOSIS, this allows initial bowel decompression and bowel preparation before resection.
PERMANENT COLOSTOMY OR ILEOSTOMY is a palliative surgery done for unresectable tumors.
Laproscopic colotomy with polypectomy (opening the colon and removing the polyp or tumor by a laproscope) is the most recent recently developed procedure that is used to minimize the extend of surgery needed in some cases. This is applicable only if the tumor is confined to one site. Bowel resection is the surgery of choice for most cases.
About three out of four people having colon and rectal cancer can be saved by early diagnosis and early treatment. The low survival rate is only because of the late diagnosis which results in metastasis (especially to the liver) that leads to death. Being aware of the symptoms and the various treatments available, it is better to seek early treatment before complications occur.
colorectal cancer,
inflammatory bowel disease,
radiation therapy,
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Do you have a thyroid problem?
Thyroid problems are one of the common problems faced by many young people these days. Any alteration in the hormone levels that is secreted by thyroid gland may cause a wide variety of problems in the whole body. We are going to discuss about the different tests that are available to detect thyroid problems.
There are several tests available to give a complete and accurate picture of thyroid function. The first and foremost is the history and physical signs and symptoms which provide useful information to detect the functioning of the thyroid gland. History of hair loss, fatigue, dry skin, brittle nails, numbness and tingling sensation in the fingers, hoarseness of voice, menstrual disturbances, intolerance to cold are some of the clues for a person to be suspected to have thyroid problems.
Serum T4:
This is the most common test performed to detect the function of thyroid gland. It is a blood test that is done to determine serum T4 levels by radioimmunoassay and its binding nature with the proteins. Any systemic illness, protein wasting diseases, use of androgen's and medicines like oral contraceptives, steroids, salicylates may interfere with accurate results. The normal range for serum T4 is 58.5 to 150 nmol/L.
Serum T3:
Serum T3 is 5 times as potent as T4 and has a more rapid metabolic action. This is also a blood test that measures the free and bound, or total serum content of T3. T3 level appears to be a more accurate indicator of thyroid problems. The normal range for serum T3 is 1.15 to 3.10 nmol/L.
T3 resin uptake test:
The purpose of this test is to determine the amount of thyroid hormone bound to thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) and the number of available binding sites. The normal T3 uptake value is 25% to 35%, which indicates that approximately one third of the available sites of TGB are occupied by thyroid hormone. If the number of unoccupied binding sites is low then it is hyperthyroidism, and if it is high then it is hypothyroidism. This test is more useful for those who are already on therapeutic doses of iodine.
Test of Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH):
The secretion of T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland is under the control of TSH which is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Testing TSH levels helps to differentiate disorders caused by diseases of thyroid gland itself and the disorders caused by diseases of pituitary gland.
TSH levels are tested by TSH radioimmunoassay and Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone test.
a. TSH radioimmunoassay:
This is a simple blood test which is done to test the level of TSH in blood by radioimmunoassay. The levels are found to be increased in those with primary hypothyroidism.
b. Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH)test:
This is a test that provides direct means of testing pituitary reserve for TSH and is useful when T3 and T4 test results are inconclusive. The test requires fasting overnight. TRH is administered intravenously half an hour before the blood samples are drawn to check TSH levels. There may be temporary facial flushing, nausea, or a desire to urinate felt when TRH is being administered.
Thyroglobulin is a precursor of T3 and T4 and can be reliably measured in the serum by radioimmunoassay. Thyroglobulin levels are increased in thyroid carcinoma, hyperthyroidism and sub-acute thyroiditis. They may be high in normal physiologic conditions such as pregnancy.
Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test:
Radioactive iodine uptake test measures the rate of iodine uptake by thyroid gland. Trace dose of I 131 is administered and the count by the scintillation counter, which detects the gamma rays released from the breakdown of I 131 in the thyroid. Those with hyperthyroidsm accumulate a high proportion of the I 131 and hypothyroidism exhibit a very low uptake.
Thyroid scan, radioscan, or scintiscan:
Thyroid scan is more similar to iodine uptake test, but this involves a highly focused scintillation detector which moves back and forth to study even more keenly. A printing device is attached which records a mark whenever a predetermined number of counts has been received. Scans are more helpful in determining location, size, shape and anatomic function of thyroid gland.
Other tests of thyroid function:
Some of the other tests that are useful in diagnosing and and detecting thyroid disorders include the Achilles tendon reflex time, serum cholesterol levels, electrocardiogram, muscle enzyme studies, ultrasound, computed tomography scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging. These are used to clarify and confirm results of other diagnostic studies.
There are a wide variety of tests available to detect the disorders of thyroid glands. They are mostly non-invasive (no blood and no pain). Be quick to check out whether there is any problem when you notice first symptoms which may prevent you from further complications.
There are several tests available to give a complete and accurate picture of thyroid function. The first and foremost is the history and physical signs and symptoms which provide useful information to detect the functioning of the thyroid gland. History of hair loss, fatigue, dry skin, brittle nails, numbness and tingling sensation in the fingers, hoarseness of voice, menstrual disturbances, intolerance to cold are some of the clues for a person to be suspected to have thyroid problems.
Serum T4:
This is the most common test performed to detect the function of thyroid gland. It is a blood test that is done to determine serum T4 levels by radioimmunoassay and its binding nature with the proteins. Any systemic illness, protein wasting diseases, use of androgen's and medicines like oral contraceptives, steroids, salicylates may interfere with accurate results. The normal range for serum T4 is 58.5 to 150 nmol/L.
Serum T3:
Serum T3 is 5 times as potent as T4 and has a more rapid metabolic action. This is also a blood test that measures the free and bound, or total serum content of T3. T3 level appears to be a more accurate indicator of thyroid problems. The normal range for serum T3 is 1.15 to 3.10 nmol/L.
T3 resin uptake test:
The purpose of this test is to determine the amount of thyroid hormone bound to thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) and the number of available binding sites. The normal T3 uptake value is 25% to 35%, which indicates that approximately one third of the available sites of TGB are occupied by thyroid hormone. If the number of unoccupied binding sites is low then it is hyperthyroidism, and if it is high then it is hypothyroidism. This test is more useful for those who are already on therapeutic doses of iodine.
Test of Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH):
The secretion of T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland is under the control of TSH which is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Testing TSH levels helps to differentiate disorders caused by diseases of thyroid gland itself and the disorders caused by diseases of pituitary gland.
TSH levels are tested by TSH radioimmunoassay and Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone test.
a. TSH radioimmunoassay:
This is a simple blood test which is done to test the level of TSH in blood by radioimmunoassay. The levels are found to be increased in those with primary hypothyroidism.
b. Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH)test:
This is a test that provides direct means of testing pituitary reserve for TSH and is useful when T3 and T4 test results are inconclusive. The test requires fasting overnight. TRH is administered intravenously half an hour before the blood samples are drawn to check TSH levels. There may be temporary facial flushing, nausea, or a desire to urinate felt when TRH is being administered.
Thyroglobulin is a precursor of T3 and T4 and can be reliably measured in the serum by radioimmunoassay. Thyroglobulin levels are increased in thyroid carcinoma, hyperthyroidism and sub-acute thyroiditis. They may be high in normal physiologic conditions such as pregnancy.
Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test:
Radioactive iodine uptake test measures the rate of iodine uptake by thyroid gland. Trace dose of I 131 is administered and the count by the scintillation counter, which detects the gamma rays released from the breakdown of I 131 in the thyroid. Those with hyperthyroidsm accumulate a high proportion of the I 131 and hypothyroidism exhibit a very low uptake.
Thyroid scan, radioscan, or scintiscan:
Thyroid scan is more similar to iodine uptake test, but this involves a highly focused scintillation detector which moves back and forth to study even more keenly. A printing device is attached which records a mark whenever a predetermined number of counts has been received. Scans are more helpful in determining location, size, shape and anatomic function of thyroid gland.
Other tests of thyroid function:
Some of the other tests that are useful in diagnosing and and detecting thyroid disorders include the Achilles tendon reflex time, serum cholesterol levels, electrocardiogram, muscle enzyme studies, ultrasound, computed tomography scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging. These are used to clarify and confirm results of other diagnostic studies.
There are a wide variety of tests available to detect the disorders of thyroid glands. They are mostly non-invasive (no blood and no pain). Be quick to check out whether there is any problem when you notice first symptoms which may prevent you from further complications.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction known as the male impotence is a sexual dysfunction characterized by inability to develop an erection or maintain an erection of penis during the sexual act. The causes may be physiological or psychological but they can be definitely treated. There are 1 in 10 men who face this problem but many of them keep them in silence because they are tied with notions of potency, success and masculinity.
There are different medical and surgical interventions available to treat this problem depending upon the cause identified.
If the problem is because of hormone deficiency then it is corrected by testosterone supplements. These are very helpful and solves the problem completely. But if the problem is because of lack of blood supply to the penis due to age or damaged blood vessels or due to certain disease, then they are temporarily treated with medicines which will help to maintain an erection long enough for an intercourse. These medicines are taken 20 minutes to 1 hour before the sexual act.
Medicines are given orally or as injections or as penile suppository.
1.Nitric oxide(NO) has best results these days, which dilates the blood vessels of corpora cavernosa.
2.PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are prescription drugs which are taken orally. They work by blocking the action of PDE5 and thereby causing smooth muscle of the arteries in the penis to relax, allowing the corpus cavernosum to fill with blood.
3.Prostoglandin E Analogs Caverject includes Edex (injectable alprostadil) and Muse (intraurethral alprostadil). These medications work by relaxing the smooth muscle in the penis to enhance blood flow to the area and thus helps to achieve and maintain an erection.
There are certain medicines known to have good results but no proof how the problem is been corrected. Doctors say that to be placebo effect.
Alkaloid such as Yohimbine may be beneficial in individuals who experience erectile dysfunction as a result of nonphysical disorders such as anxiety, stress, or negative feelings toward a sexual partner.
Herbal and other alternative treatments are generally ineffective when tested blind, but may be useful for their psychological (placebo) effect.They are expensive too.
Zinc is known to help prevent the conversion of testosterone to estradiol, and testosterone is essential for proper erectile function and the synthesis of sperm. Zinc seems to have positive effects.
Psychological therapy and behavior modifications are other options to treat erectile dysfunction.Quitting smoking, losing excess weight, and increasing physical activity may help some men regain sexual function.
As other medications, medications that treat erectile dysfunction also has its own side effects. Men with heart problem or hypertension are supposed to inform their physician in advance, otherwise will cause adverse effects. Doses are adjusted accordingly for older adults, men with serious liver and kidney problems.
The most common side effects of VIAGRA are headache, facial flushing, and upset stomach. Less commonly, bluish vision, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light may briefly occur.
In rare instances, men taking PDE5 inhibitors (oral erectile dysfunction medicines, including viagra) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these medicines or to other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking PDE5 inhibitors, including viagra, and call a doctor right away.
If you become dizzy or nauseated, or have pain, numbness, or tingling in your chest, arms, neck, or jaw during sexual activity, stop and call your doctor right away. You could be having a serious side effect of sildenafil. Do not take sildenafil more than once a day. Allow 24 hours to pass between doses. Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical attention if your erection is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours. A prolonged erection (priapism) can damage the penis.
If you feel you are facing this problem, feel free to visit your doctor because you are not the only one struggling with this problem. Follow your doctor's advice and hope for the best.
What causes a stroke?
Stroke is the primary neurological problem in the United States and in the world. Stroke is the third ranking cause of death, with the overall mortality rate of 18% to 37% for the first stroke and as high as 62% for subsequent strokes. The stroke usually results from one of four events:
*Cerebral thrombosis (a blood clot within a blood vessel of the brain or neck),
*Cerebral embolism (a blood clot or other material carried to the brain from another part of the body),
*Cerebral ischemia (decrease of blood flow to an area of the brain), and
*Cerebral hemorrhage (rupture of a cerebral blood vessel with bleeding into the brain tissue or spaces surrounding the brain).
Cerebral thrombosis
Cerebral arteriosclerosis and slowing of the cerebral circulation are the major cause of cerebral thrombosis, which is the most common cause of stroke. Cerebral thrombosis does not develop abruptly, a transient loss of speech, hemiplegia, or paresthesias in one half of the body may precede the onset of severe paralysis by a few hours or days.
Cerebral embolism
Infective endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, myocardial infarction and pulmonary infections are the sites where emboli originate. The emboli usually lodges in the middle cerebral artery or its branches, where it disrupts the cerebral circulation.
Cerebral ischemia
Cerebral ischemia is mainly due to artheromatous constriction of the arteries supplying the brain. The most common manifestation is a transient ischemic attack.
Cerebral hemorrhage
Hemorrhage may occur in the extradural space, subdural space, sub arachnoid space or intracerebrally causing hematomas. The bleeding is usually arterial and occurs particularly around basal ganglia. The onset is abrupt, with severe headache. When the hematoma enlarges, neurological deficit occurs in the form of decreased alertness and abnormalities in the vital signs. In pronounced cases, unconsciousness or coma results.
The other risk factors are:
*Hypertension - the major risk factor. Controlling hypertension is the key to prevent stroke.
*Cardiovascular diseases - most cerebral embolism originates in the heart.
*High cholesterol.
*Elevated hematocrit - increases the risk of cerebral infarction.
*Oral contraceptives.
*Drug abuse (cocaine).
*Alcohol consumption.
Stroke is life changing. Being aware of the symptoms and doing all that you can to avoid those which threaten the life with stroke can make a difference. If in doubt, do contact your doctor and certainly if there is a history of stroke in the family, it would be a good idea to be vigilant and to have regular check-ups to protect yourself from the possibility of stroke, and to follow the professional advice given by your doctor.
Chiropractors in accidents
Chiropractic care after any accident's have supported many. Many visit a professional surgeon or orthopedist or neurologist after an accident for their initial treatment. Nobody visits a chiropractor soon after their accident. Visit to chiropractic care center starts when all other treatment fails (with medicine) or for those who have no severe injuries and have only pain. However this is because they have not gained confidence over chiropractic care.
People believe that chiropractors treat blindly which may cause more problems and pain. We can't blame them because spine or leg is very important for a human being for without that we can't do anything much. But the fact is chiropractors do use x-rays to diagnose where the problem is exactly and go ahead treating it with their manipulative skills and not with medicine or surgery. They are also trained professionals with proper certification.
When we think of the benefits of chiropractic care,
1. They are painless of treating a problem. They are relatively painless when done in a proper way.
2. It is a non invasive method of treatment. There is no need of prolonged hospitalization, no surgery or blood loss.
3. No medicines needed to be taken. No worries about the drugs side-effects or interaction with other medicines etc.
4. It relieves joint pressure which is caused by gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon di oxide.
5. The manipulation is relaxing and soothing, though a kind of fear and discomfort is felt during the procedure which vanishes within minutes after the procedure.
6. It relieves the tension caused in the particular area.
7. They improve blood circulation.
8. They increase the joints range of motion.
9. The improved blood circulation also lowers your blood pressure.
10.They relieve pain to greater extent.
Arthritis, back pain and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, dysmenorrhea, asthma and migraine are some problems that are commonly treated by chiropractic care. Those visited chiropractic care will never regret for what they have done. Give a try if you or anybody in your family have any chronic pain in musculo-skeletal system and see the results. Visit chiropractors, enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care and be pain free.
Digital rectal examination
Digital rectal examination (DRE) is a small procedure that is generally performed by a doctor at the doctor's office. Digital rectal exam has become a part of routine general check up these days because of the increasing incidence of prostate cancers in men. DRE is recommended for all men over 40 years of age. It is an invaluable procedure for screening of the cancer of the prostate gland. Though it may be an embarrassing study, it is a life saving tool in identifying and treating prostate cancer.
Digital rectal examination: The procedure is first explained to the person and the person should give an oral consent for the physician to do the procedure. The person will be asked to remove the clothes from waist down and be made to lie down comfortably on the examination table in left lateral position (lying on the left side) with the knees flexed towards the chest. This position gives a better access for the doctor to examine the rectum, intestine and the prostate gland. This procedure can also be done in supine (lying on the back) with the knees flexed over the abdomen or bending forward at the waist while standing.
The doctor washes his hands, wears a sterile gloves, and inserts his lubricated forefinger into the rectum. The doctor will generally instruct the person to take a deep breath while he is inserting his finger. This procedure is painless but it may cause a slight discomfort or pressure while the doctor inserts his finger. It may be painful for those with hemorrhoids or inflamed prostate. An uncomfortable sensation of an urge to urinate may be felt when the physician presses one hand over the abdomen while the other hand is still inside the rectum examining the internal organs (this happens mostly in flat lying position).
Digital rectal examination enables the doctor to asses the size, shape, and consistency of the prostate gland. It also helps him to assess all other pelvic organs like bladder, and rectum. The findings includes
* Enlarged prostate (may indicate benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostatitis
* Nodule in prostate (may indicate initial stage of prostate cancer)
* Stony hard lump in prostate (may indicate advanced stage of prostate cancer)
* Blood in stools (may indicate gastro-intestinal bleeding or cancers)
* Quality of stools (hard dry stools or loose)
* Anal and rectal sphincter capacities.
* Anal hemorrhoids or fissures.
* Any polyps, abscesses, or tumor of the rectum.
* Some problems of the bladder.
Treatments for prostate cancer widely depend up on the stage of cancer. Digital rectal examination indirectly gives an idea about the stage of prostate cancer there by it helps in treatment of prostate cancer. The results of digital rectal examination are always followed by confirmatory procedures like biopsies, ultrasonography, barium enema, colonoscopy, or sigmoidoscopy.
If the doctor finds anything abnormal in digital rectal examination during your regular visit, be brave and go ahead for the next set of investigations and get ready for the treatment. Each quicker step you take is your quicker step to success.
How to manage chronic pain?
Chronic pain is usually caused by chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, end stage cancers or spinal injury which are not curable. The words "no cure" will itself bring pain to the heart. No pain can be compared with labor pain but most women come over it easily because they are going to receive a bundle of joy. It's not the same with chronic pain, you will have to bear them all your life for no good reason. Anyways, there are other alternate therapies to manage pain successfully.
Firstly, you must keep in mind that chronic pain is a part of your life and you are going to live with it. Secondly, understand that you cannot pass on the pain to somebody else, only you are going to bear it. It is the cross you are called to carry. Thirdly, you have to take optimal measures to keep yourself pain free which can be done with other's support. Fourthly, don't lose heart and carry on with your treatment until you succeed.
DIVERSION THERAPY: This is the best therapy I ever suggest for anybody with chronic pain. Don't think that you are going to get the pain soon, instead divert yourself in the activities you enjoy like reading books, watching television, calling a friend on the phone, bird watching, drawing, cooking or whatever. Just forget about the pain and concentrate on something else.
PSYCHO THERAPY: This is one way you ventilate your feeling to somebody you rely on so that all your burdens are lessened including your pain. Opening up the bottled up feelings can be done with anybody say your mother, daughter, nurse, friend or anybody on whom you put your trust. It need not be a psychotherapist all the time. Many patients say that a kind nurse who spares time to listen to their problems cures half their disease.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: When you are stuck with pain, take your regular prescribed medication for pain and get back to work. If your health does not permit you to do office works try occupational therapy. Here, you'll be taught about various other works which you can perform inspite your deformity. Learn what all you can do and lead a productive life. Occupation will boost your self esteem, show independency and of course a good diversion.
PHYSIO THERAPY: Pain will usually impair your mobility and thereby unexercising your body will cause muscle wasting and weakness. Try out active and passive exercises. Get a good physiotherapist and work on it. Active exercise will relieve pain to a great extent.
RELAXATION THERAPY: This is one another therapy that makes you forget pain. Relax not only your body but also your mind. You can learn to relax each and every muscle of your body. Yoga relaxes your body and eventually relieves your pain. Deep breathing exercises have proved to relieve spasmodic pain. Keeping your mind relaxed and being stress free also relieves pain.
ACUPUNCTURE: Assessing the nerve which supplies the particular body part that causes pain and blocking them will allivate pain which is done by acupuncture. These needle pricks are painless and it can keep you pain free for quite a period of time.
SUPPORT THERAPY: You can identify groups who mirror your problem. Learn how they manage pain and their coping skills so that you can apply a few of them. They are practical and living examples. When you meet such people you will feel your pain is nothing compared to them. You can find such groups through your doctors who are supposed to leave you with those information and also from the internet.
FAMILY THERAPY: Family must be a good support to your sick relative who is in pain. Do talk kind words with them, visit them, take them for a walk. The sick person needs more attention than a normal person. Spend more time with them, listen to them and make them feel respected. And you too (sick person) have to take come out and not be withdrawn all the time.
SPIRITUAL THERAPY: Meditation also relieves pain. Make sure you go to church and involve in spiritual activities. If you are bed ridden, inform the church pastor so that he comes home and shares the good news with you and prays for you. You read Bible daily, give God His due and He definitely cares for you. Let this not be your last choice of treatment.
Firstly, you must keep in mind that chronic pain is a part of your life and you are going to live with it. Secondly, understand that you cannot pass on the pain to somebody else, only you are going to bear it. It is the cross you are called to carry. Thirdly, you have to take optimal measures to keep yourself pain free which can be done with other's support. Fourthly, don't lose heart and carry on with your treatment until you succeed.
DIVERSION THERAPY: This is the best therapy I ever suggest for anybody with chronic pain. Don't think that you are going to get the pain soon, instead divert yourself in the activities you enjoy like reading books, watching television, calling a friend on the phone, bird watching, drawing, cooking or whatever. Just forget about the pain and concentrate on something else.
PSYCHO THERAPY: This is one way you ventilate your feeling to somebody you rely on so that all your burdens are lessened including your pain. Opening up the bottled up feelings can be done with anybody say your mother, daughter, nurse, friend or anybody on whom you put your trust. It need not be a psychotherapist all the time. Many patients say that a kind nurse who spares time to listen to their problems cures half their disease.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: When you are stuck with pain, take your regular prescribed medication for pain and get back to work. If your health does not permit you to do office works try occupational therapy. Here, you'll be taught about various other works which you can perform inspite your deformity. Learn what all you can do and lead a productive life. Occupation will boost your self esteem, show independency and of course a good diversion.
PHYSIO THERAPY: Pain will usually impair your mobility and thereby unexercising your body will cause muscle wasting and weakness. Try out active and passive exercises. Get a good physiotherapist and work on it. Active exercise will relieve pain to a great extent.
RELAXATION THERAPY: This is one another therapy that makes you forget pain. Relax not only your body but also your mind. You can learn to relax each and every muscle of your body. Yoga relaxes your body and eventually relieves your pain. Deep breathing exercises have proved to relieve spasmodic pain. Keeping your mind relaxed and being stress free also relieves pain.
ACUPUNCTURE: Assessing the nerve which supplies the particular body part that causes pain and blocking them will allivate pain which is done by acupuncture. These needle pricks are painless and it can keep you pain free for quite a period of time.
SUPPORT THERAPY: You can identify groups who mirror your problem. Learn how they manage pain and their coping skills so that you can apply a few of them. They are practical and living examples. When you meet such people you will feel your pain is nothing compared to them. You can find such groups through your doctors who are supposed to leave you with those information and also from the internet.
FAMILY THERAPY: Family must be a good support to your sick relative who is in pain. Do talk kind words with them, visit them, take them for a walk. The sick person needs more attention than a normal person. Spend more time with them, listen to them and make them feel respected. And you too (sick person) have to take come out and not be withdrawn all the time.
SPIRITUAL THERAPY: Meditation also relieves pain. Make sure you go to church and involve in spiritual activities. If you are bed ridden, inform the church pastor so that he comes home and shares the good news with you and prays for you. You read Bible daily, give God His due and He definitely cares for you. Let this not be your last choice of treatment.
How to handle anxiety?
Anxiousness is common when we fear and worry about something. Each of us have a different defence mechanism to overcome our anxiousness. We are anxious about many things like impending surgery, forth coming examination and results or an oncoming presentation etc but this doesn't mean that we are having an anxiety attack. We call a condition 'anxiety attack' when the worries are persistent and unrelenting that one separates himself from the real world and not caring about himself. This is usually accompanied with other emotional and physical symptoms.
Anxiety attacks are easily treated with certain therapies, counselling, relaxation technique and medications. But before going for a treatment it is better to sort out there is no actual physical problem associated with it. Because there are some diseases which mimics anxiety attack and some problems that interferes with the treatment of anxiety attack.
1.Good sleep: A good night rest of 8 hours at a regular time everyday keeps the mind calm and clear. This helps to start the day peacefully and take a wise decision. Do not ponder over anything lying in the bed. Let tomorrow worry about itself tomorrow.
2.Healthy diet: A healthy diet combats many diseases as well as stress and anxiety. A healthy diet basically corrects all imbalances and keeps the body hale and healthy. Take a well balanced diet and don't forget eat more fruits and vegetables.
3.Regular activity: Involve yourself in some kind of an activity which will divert you from anxiety. Don't keep your mind and body idle which will provoke fear and worries about future. Instead enjoy the day. Participate in some kind of sports, exercise programs, spa, yoga, aerobics etc.
4.Meditation: Let meditation be a part of daily routine. When you meditate or take time to pray all you worries will disappear miraculously. Meditation controls your body, mind and soul.
5.Relaxation: Learn relaxation techniques which is the best method to combat anxiety attacks. When your body alerts you that you are anxious about something start relaxing your muscle one by one, take deep breaths and start doing deep breathing exercises. Other relaxations like taking a break and going for a short vacation, having get together with family regularly and involving in some kind of a hobby is also helpful.
6.Acupuncture: It is believed even acupuncture can relax muscles and reduce anxiety. It has been successful in many cases.
7.Avoiding alcohol, caffeine and drugs: Some try to divert themselves from their worries by drinking alcohol, caffeine and using drugs. Though this causes a superficial excitement, the ill-effects are many. Studies have proved that alcohol, drugs and especially caffeine provokes anxiety but does not reduce them.
8.Biofeedback: These are sensors which will help you to identify when your body is going to throw an anxiety attack. It tracks the changes in heart rate and muscle tension, and you can be ready to use your defense mechanism to fight anxiety.
9.Natural remedies: There are certain herbal treatment or home remedies for anxiety attack but they have not proved it's magic. Valerian root and passion flower are famous herbal remedies.
10.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: This is considered as the best medical treatment for a diagnosed anxiety problems. Here you'll be exposed repeatedly to the situations that causes fear and anxiety under safe environment until you are numbed. This is otherwise called as flooding. You will gain a greater sense of control over your anxieties and learn new skills for dealing with stressful situations.
11.Anti anxiety drugs and anti depressants: These are two different classes of drugs which relieves anxiety by causing mild sedation. These drugs should be taken only for a shorter period with doctor's advice. Though it is effective in some ways, the side effects are said to be more.
12.Hypnosis and electro convulsive therapy: These two treatments were practiced till recently but has now proved to cause no positive effects for anxiety attacks. These treatments are no more treatment of choice now.
As anxiety attacks can come at any time, make sure you reach a safe place and even protect your head if possible. Always carry a tag or an identity card which will be helpful in case of emergency. If you feel that you are facing this problem, seek medical treatment as early as you can because they are completely curable and does not involve any invasive treatments. Don't worry be happy is the best way to combat anxiety attack!
How to prevent gallstones?
Cholelithiasis or calculi are the medical terminologies used for gall stones. Gallstones are common in women than men and they occur usually after the age of 40. It is easy to avoid gallstones when you know what is causing them.
Firstly, women over 40 years of age, who are obese and used oral contraceptives are prone for gallstones. Ageing cannot be avoided. Next comes obesity and oral contraception. It is better to prevent obesity rather than working to lose weight after gaining them. Regular exercise and taking a well balanced diet as a normal part of life can prevent you from becoming obese and eventually prevent gall stone formation.
Oral contraception, estrogens and clomidene are known to increase biliary cholesterol saturation. Avoiding them is better. Take only if they are highly recommended by your doctor.
Secondly, men or women both should keep their cholesterol under control. Though cholesterol is a constituent of bile, as age goes up and the cholesterol level increases in the body,the bile will be unable to dissolve these cholesterol which soon becomes a gallstone.
Thirdly, avoid heavy meal with fried and fatty foods. This primarily reduces obesity and cholesterol levels thereby preventing gallstones.
Fourthly, it is believed that those trying to lose weight rapidly by dieting are more prone for gallstones though the reason is not clear. If you feel you are obese do not assume your own diet plan instead seek appropriate help from doctors and dietitians.
Fifthly, gallstones may be prevented by increasing consumption of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Vegetarians have low incidence of gallstones due to the benefits of fibre.
Sixthly, a study has proved coffee drinkers are at lower risk of getting gallstones.
Seventh, drink plenty of water, 8 to 12 glasses of water a day which dilutes the bile secretion.
Eightly, vitamin C, lecithin, flax seed oil are certain foods which prevent gallstones.
If you have a family history of gallstones or gallbladder disease, you should probably be even more careful than others. Eat a low-Fat, low-Cholesterol, high fibre diet and avoid complex carbohydrates, refined sugars. Involve in some kind of exercise like jogging, skipping, cycling, swimming, walking or play your favorite sport daily.
What are good and bad carbohydrates?
Good carbs and bad carbs may sound Greek and Latin to many. These terms are used recently to classify carbohydrates in terms of health benefits. Carbohydrates are not always good and not always bad. Some promote health and some causes problems which we generally say as good carbs and bad carbs respectively. Carbohydrates are called the fuel of our body because they give energy to run the engine of life. It's our responsibility to identify good carbs from bad carbs and take them appropriately.
Our body should get energy from the carbohydrate content of our diet and not from the protein or fat content. Good carbs are found in legumes, whole grains, oatmeal, spaghetti, milk, vegetables and fruits. The complex sugar molecules here are broken into simpler substance and are stored in the form of glycogen to give the energy we need. Bad carbs are found in soda pop or soft drinks, snacks such as cookies and chips, pasta, white bread and alcohol. Though they give energy the carbohydrate content is highly refined and processed. Hence they are full of empty calories with no benefit. When these bad carbs are the only source of carbohydrates in our diet, our body abstracts energy from protein and fat. Moreover, these refined and processed carbohydrates are the main cause of heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Good carbs will not suppress our appetite because they are rich in fiber and protein which get digested easily. They give you enough strength between meals. Bad carbs fill the stomach easily and suppresses your appetite for now. But soon you will feel hungry because they have only empty calories and you land up in eating more that leads to obesity.
Calories just increases the body weight and has no nutritional value. Bad carbs has only calories and no carbohydrate content. Hence they contribute only to unwanted weight gain. But good carbs on the other hand is rich in carbohydrates which gives energy and not just calories that increases weight. This is the reason why weight loss program is based on low caloric diet.
According to the chemistry of carbohydrates, good carbs are complex carbs and bad carbs are simple carbs. Bad carbs are called glycemic agents that alters the glucose and insulin level rapidly leading to diabetes and fat gain. Try to replace refined and processed food with fresh whole foods.
bad carbs,
good carbs,
weight loss
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Body building foods
A normal healthy diet will help you to gain muscle. However, protein, carbohydrates, fat and vitamins play a vital role in gaining muscle. A regular meal and snack is absolutely important. When we speak about a regular meal, it means it should be taken at every 3 hour intravel alternating with some kind of a snack. A complete meal should contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibre, minerals and vitamins.
FOODS THAT HELP US GAIN MUSCLE: Protein being a body builder takes the major role in gaining muscle.
Grains: Eat different kinds of grams everyday (a cup boiles with little salt) with atleast one meal. Grams/dhal is the best source of protein which is filling and easily digestable as well. These grams can be made into a variety of foods.
Milk: Milk is the next richest source of protein which helps your body to gain muscle. 2% milk is good and highly adviseable. Not just milk other milk products like chocholates, ice-creams, butter, ghee, cheese and yogurt is also rich in protein. They can be added to regular meal everyday.
Nuts and legumes: Next comes the nuts and legumes in row. Nuts like cashew, badam, pista and peanuts are good source of protein but they also have fat in them. Restricted level is highly adviseable. Legumes include beans, peas and lentils which can be drunk as a soup.
Meat: Animal meat helps to gain more muscle. Chicken and fish are the best source to build muscle. If you are interested to eat goat meat which helps you gain muscle easily because of the fat in them, also eat fish with that. Fish is said to control cholesterol levels. Red meat such as liver, lungs, heart will also help to gain muscle faster.
Vegetables: Tomatoes, cabbage family like broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower, potatoes help us gain body muscle.
Fiber: Fiber can decrease the absorption of fat and relieve constipation which ultimately helps the body to gain necessary protein, carbohydrate and vitamins. Whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are good source of fiber.
Minerals: Calcium plays a good role to gain muscle because rich source of calcium are found in milk, yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables, bean sprouts, tofu, garbanzo beans, canned salmon, sardines, oysters, figs, almonds, chestnuts, filberts and sesame seeds.
Vitamins: Vitamin A & C helps in body building. The rich foods include Citrus fruit, tomatoes, fresh melons, strawberries and green leafy vegetables.
Fruits: Fruits nourish the cells and gives the body a new strength. Fruits does contribute to gain muscle and 6 servings of them is highly appreciated. Fruits that help in body building are oranges, tangerines, fresh melons, strawberries, yellow grapefruit, lemon, peaches, papaya, pineapple and nectarines.
Not only eating foods gain muscle but avoiding or limiting certain foods also will help you gain muscle mass. Those foods include white bread and cereals, soda pop, sweets, alcohol, oil, salt-cured, smoked, nitrite cured foods and meat with skin.
These are some foods which will help you gain muscle healthily. Try them out and be benefitted.
body building,
healthy food,
muscle gain,
Tips to control blood glucose without medication
You are lucky if you know beforehand that you are going to get diabetes. I called you lucky because you can do something to save yourself from taking medications and injections. You cannot prevent diabetes since it is heriditary but you can always keep them under control. This topic will be more useful for people who are at high risk of getting diabetes, those in pre-diabetic stage or probably gestational diabetic mothers.
Diet and exercise plays an important role to maintain your blood glucose level without medication. May be these are the only tricks and tips to keep yourself away from medication.
1. The total number of calories is usually individualized based on your current or desired weight and the presence of existing health problems. But the accepted diabetic diet may be 1000 or 1200 Kcal diabetic diet/day, which is adequate and maintains a good blood glucose level in most of the clients.
2. Make a plan of your daily diet considering 1200 Kcal as your limit. Do not have the same plan for the next day, instead use different food items each day so that you are not bored or start to hate a specific food.
3. You can find out a large variety of foods that can be used by diabetic clients from certain associations like 'food exchange from the American diabetic association diet or dietary guidelines for Americans' which are issued by the U.S Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human services.
4. You need not cook seperately for yourself because there is no food that you should avoid. All that matters is the amount. Cook for the whole family as usual but stay within your limits.
5. When you are planning your diet, consider your own likes and dislikes.
6. Eat 6 meals a day, you will feel hungry and go into low sugars easily because you eat less.
7. Eat foods that fills your stomach and is low in Calories.
8. If life style or your kind of occupation is causing this problem, you might have to alter or change them if necessary. Some people sit the whole 8 hours a day in their work which may lead to obesity and eventually diabetes. Such kind of workers can take a walk in between and have the habit of exercising daily.
9. Exercise will definitely lower the blood glucose levels.
10. As exercising causes weight loss, naturally your blood sugar level drops down.
11. Involve in some kind of sports or games you are interested in.
12. If you don't like to do exercise then try aerobics or yoga.
13. Keep yourself active and do the regular household work which itself is a good exercise.
14. Swimming, walking and jogging everyday keeps your body energitic and your mind at peace.
15. Buy a glucometer and check your sugar levels daily until its maintained.
These tips and tricks will surely keep your sugars under control without medication but keep your physician notified about your diet, exercise and sugar levels from time to time.
Lung diseases and its replications
Lung disease has become a common problem world wide. Smoking, air pollution and increasing population has been the cause for many lung disease. Anybody can have a disease due to these three reasons because they are inter-related to each other. For example, a non-smoker becomes a second hand smoker if the person with whom he/she is living is a smoker, he is also polluting the air and the people around. Yes, you may be a non-smoker and have no bad habits but can still be at risk. Check out whether you have any signs of lung disease from the checklist below.
COUGH: A persistent cough dry or productive that lasts for more than 12 weeks is the first sign of a lung disease. An irritating cough is an indicator of lung cancer. A tumor or a foreign body causes irritation to the lung wall and stimulates cough. A productive cough with expectoration is usually a symptom of lower respiratory tract infection.
DYSPNEA: Difficulty in breathing is called dyspnea. Dyspnea occurs when there is air hunger, that is where the oxygen content is low in blood. Dyspnea is a major sign of most lung diseases like bronchitis, COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, SARS and emphysema.
CYANOSIS: Cyanosis is also caused by decreased oxygen content blood which presents as a bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membrane. It is seen in atelectasis and respiratory distress syndrome.
WHEEZING: A wheeze is another common indicator of a lung disease. A high pitched whistling sound caused when the air tries to pass through a narrow or blocked pathway is called wheezing. The air passage is blocked either with mucus or any foreign body causes a wheeze. Wheezing is commonly found in lung diseases like asthma, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer.
PLEURITIC PAIN: Any infection in the lung causes a sharp pain called as pleuritic pain. The pain is felt at every breath especially while exhaling. This symptom is more common in pneumonia, pleural effusion and pleurisy.
HEMOPTISIS: Coughing out blood in sputum is called hemLung disease has become a common problem world wide. Smoking, air pollution and increasing population has been the cause for many lung disease. Anybody can have a disease due to these three reasons because they are inter-related to each other. For example, a non-smoker becomes a second hand smoker if the person with whom he/she is living is a smoker, he is also polluting the air and the people around. Yes, you may be a non-smoker and have no bad habits but can still be at risk. Check out whether you have any signs of lung disease from the checklist below.
FEVER WITH CHILLS: When there is any infection the first presenting symptom is fever and chills. Any lung infection will also present with those symptom. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema are characterized with such symptoms.
EDEMA: Conditions like pulmonary edema present with swelling of the arms, legs and ankles. This is usually associated with heart disease.
CLUBBING OF NAILS: Clubbing of nails is another classical sign of lung disease. Emphysema, COPD, certain lung cancers and empyema are featured by these symptoms.
FATIGUE: This is an important sign of lung disease. They are associated with shortness of breath. Severe exhaustion occurs when the lung capacity decreases and the heart tries to pump blood more effectively to meet the body's demands. It's seen in lung diseases like emphysema, COPD and pulmonary edema.
ANOREXIA AND WEIGHT LOSS: These are not the major symptoms but an associated symptom of lung disease. Increasing shortness of breath and tiredness inhibits normal food intake thereby causing weight loss. Also productive cough brings out the protein content of the body and leads to muscle wasting. They are seen in tuberculosis and COPD.
These are the major signs of lung disease. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't delay to make an appointment with your doctor. A stitch in time saves nine, so get yourself treated when it is treatable. This occurs from the airway and lungs when it is traumatised or when a tumor ruptured or a sore bleeds after an infection. Tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, bronchial carcinoma, bronchial adenoma, respiratory tract hemangioma, and metastatic cancer to the lungs usually present with this symptom.
These are the major signs of lung disease. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't delay to make an appointment with your doctor. A stitch in time saves nine, so get yourself treated when it is treatable.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a sexually transmitted disease that results in small, warty growths on the vulva, labia, cervix, vaginal walls or rectum. The labial and perineal warts are usually visible and palpable. The virus may also affect the cervix. Cervical changes are not always visible to the naked eye, but they show up in pap smears as koilocytosis. Some strains of the virus are associated with cervical cancer.
The perineal warts caused by HPV resolve without treatment. Treatment modalities include trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin, interferon, chemotherapeutic agents, electrocautery, and laser treatment. Condylox may be an option for use on external lesions. Those women diagnosed with HPV should have pap smears every six months for several years. Male partners should be evaluated by urologist, because HPV lesions may be difficult to visualize.
In males, infection of the genital tract with HPV is increasing prevalent. The infection usually manifests itself as genital warts, or genital condylomas. The risk for developing genitourinary cancers not only increase for the man with an HPV infection, but also for his sex partner. Therefore, diagnosing and treating the man with an HPV infection, such as condyloma acuminatum, is important to minimize cancer risks, as well as to decrease disease transmission.
Treatment methods for HPV infection include topical chemicals, cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen and laser therapy. Recurrence of HPV infection is common due to latent HPV infection in normal appearing skin. To be most effective, treatment needs to include both partners. Sexual abstinence during treatment and recovery is advised to minimize the spread of the disease. Using condoms and spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 for at least six months after treatment is also recommended to decrease HPV transmission, and transmission of other STDs as well, including HIV infection.
Recent studies show that HPV infection enhances susceptibility to HIV infection. They are also associated with nonchlamydial, nongonococcal urethritis. Those men and women affected with HPV infection benefit from counseling and support as with any other STD.
Smoking and heart
Smoking is one of the strongest risk factors for heart diseases. It contributes to the development and increase in severity of the heart diseases. Both active smokers and passive smokers (those who do not smoke but indirectly smoke by inhaling the cigarette smoke of smokers) are affected by smoking. It is proved that the number of cigarettes smoked is directly proportional to the possibility of acquiring a heart disease and cessation of smoking decreases the risk of heart disease by 50%. Smoking affects the heart, lungs, kidneys and all the blood vessels of our body. In this article, we will see how smoking affects the heart in particular.
There are three main ways of how smoking affects the heart. First, the inhalation of smoke increases the blood carbon monoxide (CO) level. The oxygen carrying component of blood called hemoglobin readily combines with carbon monoxide more than it does with oxygen. So the oxygen carrying capacity of blood drops very low. Thus, the oxygen that has to be supplied to the heart is severely impacted, which makes the heart to work much harder to produce the same amount of energy. This causes a lot of strain to the heart to pump a lot of blood.
Secondly, cigarettes (tobacco product) contain a chemical substance called nicotine (or nicotinic acid) which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamine which constricts the blood vessels and causes an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. Hence the blood flow and subsequent oxygenation are compromised. Since the blood vessels constrict, heart has to pump harder to keep the blood flowing through these constricted veins thereby increasing the workload of the heart.
Also smoking increases the chance of the blood to clot by increasing the aggregation of platelets. So clots can easily form in blood vessels and can block blood flow to vital organs including heart, causing irreparable damages to heart and other important organs.
Smoking causes buildup of fatty substances in the arteries thereby narrowing the arteries which supply blood to the heart and so the heart is starved of oxygen. This narrowing of arteries causes chest pain as heart has to put on extra effort to pump blood through these narrow arteries. The problem is magnified especially during increased physical activity. When one or more arteries supplying blood to the heart get blocked completely, heart attack occurs. Smoking also decreases high density lipids which is good for the body. Cigarette smoke also can lead to a stroke.
Thus smoking can cause severe damage to heart in multiple ways.
Seaweed body wrap
Seaweed body wrap reduces water weight of the body, detoxifies, tones and tightens the skin. The benefits are obtained in a natural way and the seaweed wrap basically contains all vitamins, minerals, protein, iodine and trace elements. The treatment can be done in spa's or at home as well. It takes about an hour to complete the procedure. It is very relaxing when somebody does it for you, so a day-spa will be a better place to do it.
The seaweed body wrap can be applied to the whole body or our desired part of the body. The whole body wrap is more rejuvenating and relaxing. This sea algae powder is mixed with water and is made in the form of paste to be applied over the body. The professionals apply them covering the whole body using a brush and will wrap you will the thermal blanket. Then you will made to relax for sometime which will make you sweat. Thus the extra water content of the body is removed which will lead to weight loss and this is one way of detoxifying the body naturally too. Then you can have a bath and relax for a while.
1. This is one natural way of losing weight without any dieting or doing any vigorous exercise. It has best results in weight loss when you take a healthy diet with this therapy.
2. It does not cause any allergy because it's a natural product of the sea.
3. It opens the pores of the skin which gives the skin a glow and a good tone.
4. It is more useful for women who bloat or retent water before the onset of their periods.
5. It also removes the stretch marks and excess fat from the abdomen, thighs, hands and breasts.
6. It reduces the swelling of the hang over.
7. It removes the salt content of the body through sweat and thereby reduces high blood pressure.
8. It produces collagen in the body and also prevents the damage of free radicals.
9. It also helps the body to remineralise which tones and vitalize the body.
10.It removes the unwanted acids and urea from the body.
11.It improves blood circulation.
12.It stimulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
13.It prevents premature aging.
14.It also prevents acne.
15.It relaxes your mind and body.
This seaweed body wrap has so many benefits, why don't you enjoy them after a long day every week. Get to know whether you are eligible for a body wrap and make the best use of it.
Bronchitis is rumored to be contagious although Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucus membrane of the bronchial tree. They are of two types, namely acute and chronic bronchitis. The acute bronchitis is primarily due to viral infection which can readily develop to a secondary bacterial infection in a susceptible host. They are contagious. On the contrary, chronic bronchitis is caused by various other reasons like cigarette smoking or exposure to pollution and hence is non-contagious.
Acute bronchitis often follows the infections of the upper respiratory tract. When upper respiratory tract infections are adequately treated, acute bronchitis can be prevented. Apart from infection, inhalation of physical and chemical irritants, gases and other air contaminants can also cause acute bronchial irritation. This irritation causes dry, irritating cough with a scanty amount of mucopurulent sputum. When a culture of this sputum is collected and tested, it will show the growth of certain organisms like Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae or Mycoplasma pneumoniae. These organisms are highly contagious.
These organisms spread from one person (infected) to other through air particles while coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, using their fomite and even breathing. Proper disposal of sputum, good hygiene and appropriate medical treatment with antibiotics can prevent the spread of infection. Other symptoms may include sternal soreness from coughing, fever, headache, general malaise and noisy breathing (inspiratory stridor). They are treated with antihistamines, cough expectorants, steam inhalation, vapor therapy and increasing fluid intake.
Unlike acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis interferes with effective breathing due to accumulation of secretion in the bronchioles and lower respiratory tract. The person is asymptomatic until they become susceptible to infections of the lower respiratory tract. They are easily prone to infections because of the accumulated secretions providing adequate nutrients for the organisms to grow. The major symptom is the presence of productive cough that lasts for 3 months a year for 2 consecutive years.
In chronic bronchitis, the smoke or pollutant irritates the airway which results in hypersecretion of mucus and reduces the function of cilia. Thus mucus coats the bronchioles, clogs and narrows the airway affecting normal air entry. The alveoli nearer to the bronchioles becomes fibrosed and the function of alveolar macrophages is altered, this makes the person more susceptible to infections. All these actions brings about an irreversible change in lungs resulting in emphysema and bronchiectasis. They together contribute to the major lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
As they are constrained to the lower respiratory tract, they are usually harmless by not being contagious. Cough is the main symptom and no signs of infection noticed in them. Cough is also exacerbated by cold weather, dampness or pulmonary irritants and not by infection. They are treated with oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, postural drainage, chest percussion, hydration and corticosteroids. This confirms they are not contagious.
To summarize, acute bronchitis which is primarily caused due to viral infection is contagious and chronic bronchitis which is caused by various other reasons like cigarette smoking or exposure to pollution are non-contagious.
Swimming pool related skin problems
Swimming pool is one of the place from which you acquire a lot of infections. The infections may be respiratory, gastro-intestinal, ear or eye and most commonly it is a skin infection. The pools may look very clean to our eyes, still has a lot of organisms swimming in them. Any communicable disease easily spreads through swimming pool. Swimming pool management does all possible ways to prevent such infections and it's our responsibility to avoid spreading infection to others as well as getting it from them.
Some of the common skin problems caused by swimming pool are as follows:
DERMATITIS: Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes dermatitis which erupts as a bumpy red rash within a few days of swimming in contaminated pools. Though the body is protected with the swim wear the exposed areas come in contact with such organisms and are affected.
CHLORINE IRRITATION: The next common condition is skin irritation caused by too much chlorine in swimming pools. Pools are periodically disinfected with chlorine to fight organism that causes cholera and typhoid. But there should be a specific amount of chlorine to be mixed with the water in swimming pool, when the limit exceeds it causes skin irritation.
Chlorine makes the skin to be dry and itchy which ultimately leads to cracking, eczema and premature aging.
SWIMMING POOL GRANULOMA: Mycobacterium marinum causes this chronic skin infection which is common among regular swimmers. They start as a small lesion and grow big, causing skin break down which sometimes leads to infection and other complication. They are treated and completely cured with antibiotics.
MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM: This is a viral skin infection caused by Molluscipox virus. This disease is said to occur commonly in people who live in crowded areas and many cases are reported from swimming pool use. They are papular eruptions that occurs in groin, genital areas, thigh and lower abdomen. Cryocautry is the treatment of choice.
PLANTAR WARTS: These occur on the soles of the feet. They are hard, thick patches of skin with dark specks. Plantar warts may cause pain when you walk they do not need any active treatment.
Swimming is fun and a very good exercise, enjoy the best part of it but keeping your pool clean. Avoid swimming when you have any kind of infections and parents follow instructions for your children. This is the best way to avoid skin problems in swimming pool.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Identifying umbilical hernia
Hernia is protrusion of intestine through a weakened area in the abdominal muscle wall. If the intestine or any abdominal organ protrudes from or around the navel it is called umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernia can be present either at birth or can arise abruptly in adults. The umbilical hernia that is present at birth is one of the congenital malformations found commonly in children, which resolves on its own without any surgery or vigorous treatment. Heredity or familial history increases the chances of having umbilical hernia in adults.
In adults, the herniation occurs exactly on the navel or sometimes around the umbilicus. Umbilical hernia is usually acquired and is more common in women than men. Obese women, pregnant mothers, prolonged labor, multi gravida, ascitis, and those with persistent cough or constipation causing tension to the umbilicus are prone to get umbilical hernia. The umbilical hernia can be easily diagnosed with the person's history and physical examination.
The symptoms of the umbilical hernia are as follows:
1. There will be a bulge noticed at or a few centimeters (1-5 cm) around the umbilicus.
2. This bulge or protrusion will be an abrupt change that is noticed at your navel especially during or after pregnancy, following an attack of respiratory tract infection which was accompanied with coughing and sneezing.
3. Navel will change its contour from innie to outie.
4. Size of the hernia increases with time.
5. The umbilicus bulges out when you create pressure by coughing or lifting heavy object and disappears when you are relaxed.
6. It may present with or without pain.
7. There can be color change noticed. If the area is infected (reddish) or strangulated (blueish to black).
8. If the size of the hernia is large, it may obstruct the normal activity of bowel causing constipation.
Treatment is not necessary for children until 2 years of age. If the size is increasing after 2 to 3 years of age then surgery may be advised. For adults, surgery is the only treatment of choice and is done before any complications (intestinal obstruction, strangulation) occur. Herniorrhaphy and hernioplasty (with or without mesh) are the two surgeries performed to treat umbilical hernia. Care should be taken to prevent further herniation after surgery.
When you notice some abnormal symptoms that are mentioned above, make a quick appointment with your doctor and take necessary actions. Don't wait for things to get worse.
Eye, the light of the body
Eye is called the light of the body. The sense of sight is very important among all senses. If you lose it, you become dependent on others. There are a number of eye problems arising these days and some problems affect children as well. Let's discuss some do's or don'ts to keep our vision long lasting.
1. Have adequate amount of sleep every day. Just closing the eyes and relaxing will relax the nerves under tension and also avoid hemorrhage.
2. Try to blink your eyes a number of times you can to keep them lubricated.
3. Do not use any artificial lubricants/tears unless they are prescribed by a doctor.
4. Avoid make-ups around the eyes which may cause unnecessary irritation and allergies.
5. Wash eyes gently with plane tap water every day during bath and do not rub them harshly. Avoid soap, dye or shampoo entering your eyes.
6. Take vitamin A rich foods as a part of your daily diet. Vitamin A rich foods include all yellow and orange vegetables and fruits like lemon, sweet potatoes, carrots, beetroot, pumpkin, apricots, cantaloupe melon, mango and many more. Vitamin A deficiency causes Night blindness, corneal drying (xerosis), triangular gray spots on eye (Bitot's spots), corneal degeneration and blindness (xerophthalmia) and softening of the cornea (keratomalacia).
7. As most of the eye infections are communicable, avoid contact with those affected with eye infections. If you catch up with any infection wash eyes thoroughly with salt water(a pinch of salt added to warm water). You can also try OTC medicines. If the infection persists for more than 2 days consult a doctor. Use separate napkin for affected and unaffected eyes, also wipe from inner canthus to outer canthus.
8. Watch television from a particular distance in good amount of light.
9. Keep books at the distance of at least 25cms away while reading.
10. Do not work on the computer or do anything that strains your eyes, for more than 20 minutes.
11. If you are wearing glasses for correction, wear them continuously and remove them only during your bedtime.
12. If you are on contact lens, follow strict instructions about inserting and disinfecting technique.
13. If you are on long term medication like antituberculosis, antidiabetics, antihistamines, antidepressants or diuretics; Have your eyes regularly checked for both vision and dryness.
14. Protect your eyes from direct sunlight by wearing glasses.
15. Always be careful and avoid unexpected traumas and injuries.
These simple activities undertaken will ensure that you have a good, healthy and long lasting vision
Diagnosing skin diseases and treating them
There are many skin diseases diagnosed in this recent world. These skin disease are heart breaking because they are obvious to other's eyes and make you feel embarrassed. They may be annoying, serious and deadly causing disfigurement. Some of the top skin diseases are acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, skin cancer, warts impetigo, scabies, burns, boils and lyme disease.
The diagnosis is completely based on assessment and tests, and it differs for each disease. History of the client plays an important role in diagnosing a particular disease.
1. Exposure to chemical and environmental pollutants.
2. Exposure to radiation.
3. Exposure to sun.
4. Lack of personal hygiene habits.
5. Use of heavy cosmetics and harsh soaps.
6. Long term medications like corticosteroids or anti-coagulants.
7. Nutritional deficiencies.
8. Emotional stress.
1. Skin biopsy: A small piece of skin tissue is collected for histopathologic study.
2. Skin culture: A small skin sample is sent to identify the existance and growth of any organism.
3. Wood's light examination: Skin is viewed under ultra violet rays through woods glass for any superficial infections.
4. Skin testing: An allergen is administered to the surface or into the dermis.
5. Anti-nuclear antiboby blood tests.
Looking for the change in color, size or shape of lesion; itching, soreness, pain, swelling, redness and warmth, burning, paresthesia and the specific body area affected will give an idea about the disease.
1. When you notice any abnormal lesion report immediately to your doctor.
2. Do not panic about the diagnosis instead take the treatment as early as you can.
3. Take medication and undergo treatment continuously. Do not discontinue treatment on your own which is very fatal.
4. If the disease is caused due to exposure to chemical or radiation (occupational hazard) then try to change your job.
5. Meet a psychologist and identify ways to reduce your stress.
6. Take adequate measures to prevent spread of infection to others.
7. Take protective isolation measures to avoid getting infection.
8. Wear appropriate clothing.
Never feel isolated from friends and family, they are there to help you. Involve in work that improves your self esteem. Keep in mind the change in body image is usually temporary.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Arthritis and its types
Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints. There are more than 100 different types of disorders. They primarily affect the skeletal muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and the joints in both males and females of all ages. Some disorders are more likely to occur at a particular time of life or to affect one gender more than the other. These disorders not only limit mobility and affect the activities of daily living but also result in subtle systemic effects that lead to organ failure and death.
The different types of arthritis are grouped under different classifications:
1. Diffuse connective tissue diseases
a. Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints, skin and vital organs of the body.
b. Juvenile arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis in children is called Juvenile arthritis. There are more than 300,000 children diagnosed with juvenile arthritis in the United States.
c. Scleroderma: Scleroderma is a localized, systemic sclerosis affecting the connective tissue of the skin, blood vessels, muscles and internal organs.
d. Lupus erythematosus: Lupus erythematosus is also a chronic autoimmune disease. Discoid, systemic and drug related are their types.
e. Polymyositis: Polymyositis is a rare connective tissue disease that affects the muscles closest to the body, that is the shoulders and the hips.
f. Sjogren's syndrome: Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease affecting certain glands in our body. Eg: lacrymal gland, salivary gland.
g. Overlap syndromes: Overlap syndrome is a combination of two or more autoimmune diseases described above.
Polymyalgia, rheumatica and erythema nodosum are a few other minor autoimmune connective tissue diseases.
2. Arthritis associated with spondylitis (Spondyloarthropathies)
a. Alkylosing spondylitis: Alkylosing spondylitis is also called as rheumatoid spondylitis. It is the inflammation of the joints in the spine.
b. Reiter's syndrome: Reiter's syndrome is one form of reactive arthritis, which involves the inflammation within and around the joints, and particularly where ligaments and tendons attach to bones.
c. Psoriatic arthritis: Psoriatic arthritis is associated with psoriasis, the skin and the joints are inflammed.
d. Arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
3. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is also known as osteoarthrosis, or degenerative joint disease. They are of two types, they are primary and secondary.
4. Rheumatic syndromes associated with infectious agents:
a. Direct: They are inflammation of joints caused directly after a bacterial, viral, fungal or a parasitic infection.
b. Reactive: They are inflammation of joints that occurs after immunization or after bacterial or viral infections.
5. Metabolic and endocrine diseases associated with rheumatic states
a. Crystal associated conditions (gout, pseudogout)
b. Biochemical abnormalities (amyloidosis, hemophilia)
c. Endocrine diseases (diabetes, acromegaly)
d. Immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS)
e. Hereditary diseases (hypermobility syndromes)
6. Neoplasms: They are of two types;
a. Primary
b. secondary (metastatic, multiple myeloma, leukemia)
7. Neurovascular disorders
a. Charcot joints: Charcot's joints is a progressive degenerative disease of the joints. It is caused by nerve damage resulting in the loss of ability to feel pain in the joint and instability of the joint.
b. Compression syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome, rediculopathy, spinal stenosis are compression syndromes which involves the inflammation of joints.
c. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), which is associated with extreme pain in the joints.
d. Raynaud's phenomenon: Raynaud's phenomenon involves discolorations of the fingers and/or the toes after exposure to changes in temperature (cold or hot) or emotional events.
8. Bone, periosteal, and cartilage disorders
a. Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis, mainly a disease of the bone that leads to an increased risk of fracture.
b. Osteomalacia: Osteomalacia is softening of bones due to bone mineralization. This is commonly found in children.
c. Hypertropic osteoarthropathy: Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is caused by increased blood flow to the ends of the legs, causing overgrowth of connective tissue, and then new bone formation surrounding the joints and bones.
d. Diffuse ideopathic skeletal hyperostosis : Diffuse ideopathic skeletal hyperostosis is a form of degenerative arthritis that affects the joints and bones of the vertebral column.
e. Paget's disease of bone: Paget's disease is a metabolic bone disease that affects the pelvis, collar bone, legs, spine and arm.
9. Extra-articular disorders:
a. Juxtaarticular lesions(bursitis).
b. Epicondylitis, popliteal cyst.
c. Low back pain.
d. Intervertebral disc disorders.
e. Regional pain syndrome (metatarsalgia, cervical pain).
10. Miscellanous disorders associated with articular manifestations:
a. Palindromic rheumatism
b. Intermittent hydrathrosis
c. Sarcoidosis
d. Chronic active hepatitis.
Arthritis is a generic term which is used for over 100 different diseases which affect the musculoskeletal system especially the joints. Based on the part of the body affected and the type of the disorder, arthritis can be classified into different subtypes as mentioned above.
Upper and lower respiratory tract infection
Pneumonia and common cold are two different conditions affecting our respiratory system. Though they have a few similar symptoms there are a number of factors that differentiate pneumonia from common cold. They vary in their causitive organism, clinical manifestation, treatment, prevention and prognosis.
Let's compare pneumonia and common cold and learn the difference!
PNEUMONIA: Pneumonia is the inflammation of the lung parenchyma (lower respiratory tract infection) caused by infectious agents.
Causative agents: The causative agent varies with each type of pneumonia. Atypical pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia are the major classification which inturn has various subdivisions.
Bacterial pneumonia:
Streptococcal pneumonia - streptococcus pneumoniae
staphylococcal pneumonia - staphylococcus aureus
Klebsiella pneumonia - klebsiella pneumoniae
pseudomonas pneumonia - pseudomonas aeruginosa
Haemophilus influenza - haemophilus influenzae
Atypical pneumonia:
Legionnaires disease - legionella pneumophila
Mycoplasma pneumonia - mycoplasma pneumoniae
viral pneumonia - influenza virus types A, B, C
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia - pneumocystis carinii
Fungal pneumonia - aspergillus fumigatus
Chlamydial pneumonia - cipittaci
tuberculosis - mycobacterium tuberculosis
Clinical manifestation: It typically starts with the sudden onset of fever usually above 100F, shaking chills, chest pain (pleuritic pain) aggrevated by coughing and breathing, nasal flaring, grunts, use of accessory muscles for respiration, head ache, myalgia and tachypnea. Bacterial pneumonia's manifestation varies with the organism which may include rash, pharyngitis, sore throat and nasal congestion.
Diagnosis: Pneumonia is diagnosed with history (recurrent, recent and untreated RTI's), physical examination(bronchial breath sounds will be heard on auscultation, increased fremitus on palpation, dullness on percussion), chest X ray and scans showing consolidation and dense areas, blood culture and sputum culture.
Treatment: Antibiotics is the first main treatment of choice which includes penicillin G, erythromycin, clindamycin, 2nd generation cephalosporins and bactrim.
Steam or moist inhalations with effective chest physio are effective to bring out the thickened secretions from the lungs.
Hospitalisation will be necessary for oxygen therapy and initial stabilisation. Some may need ventilatory support if it affects breathing.
Surgical measures like lobar pneumonectamy are also considered if they are attached to one particular lobe.
1.Treating upper respiratory condition is the best way to prevent pneumonia.
2.Do deep breathing and effective coughing exercises to bring out the secretions.
3.Take steam inhalation every week though you dont have any symptoms.
4.Avoid contact with infectious people.
5.Stop smoking.
6.Do not lie down in a particular position for a long time after surgery and older patients.
7.Promote oral hygiene.
8.Reduce alcohol intake.
9.Take nutritious diet.
10.Take vaccination against pneumococcal and influenza viral infections.
Prognosis: Prognosis is very poor with pneumonia especially if untreated. It is the fourth common cause of death in United States.
COMMON COLD: Common cold is as common as it's name denotes. It usually refers to the upper respiratory tract infection which affects the nose and throat.
Causitive agents: They are caused by contagious virus which sheds and spreads from person to person. The common viruses that causes this common cold are picornaviruses, cornaviruses, myxoviruses, paraviruses and adenovirus.
Clinical manifestation: Nasal congestion, sore throat, sneezing, mild chills with fever, stuffy nose, head ache, musle ache, malaise and cough are the common symptoms.
Diagnosis: They are confirmed usually with the presenting history and further investigations are done if the symptoms do not vanish in 2 weeks.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment for common cold. It is usually treated symptomatically. Increased fluid intake, adequate rest, taking vitamin and protein supplements, saline gargle, using analgesics, decongestants and cough expectorants.
1. Avoid contact with people affected with cold. Even a single droplet will cause infection.
2. Break the chain of infection by proper handwashing, proper disposal of tissues and covering the mouth and nose while coughing, sneezing etc.
3. Eat healthy food which includes fruits and vegetables.
4. Protect yourself in cold weather.
5. Avoid crowded areas.
Prognosis: There is no reported deaths due to common cold. Prognosis is usually good when you take measures.
Now you might have understood how critical and different is pneumonia from a common cold. Prevent yourself from both upper and lower respiratory tract infections and have a long life.
Eczema is an inflammatory reaction of the skin caused by physical, chemical or biologic agents. The epidermis is inflammed or damaged by the repeated chemical or physical irritations. It falls under the classification of dermatitis that may be of irritant, non-irritant, allergic, phototoxic and photoallergic types. The type of eczema that arises after exposing to some kind of allergen is called as allergic eczema which is the most common type of eczema.
Eczema results from exposing to contact allergens or irritants.The common causes of irritant eczema are soaps, detergents, scouring compounds, and industrial chemicals. Pre-existing skin disease is the cause of non-irritant eczema. The predisposing factors of eczema include exposing to extremes of heat and cold, frequent contact with soap and water and the presence of any other skin conditions.
Eczema can affect anybody both adult and children alike. They also affect men and women equally since anybody can be allergic or sensitive to anything. It all depends on their own skin conditions. Men are more prone to produce eczematous reaction from the industrial chemicals because men tend to work in industries, while women are exposed to eczematous reaction when they come in contact with laundry or dish washing soaps and detergents.
Eczema begins when the causitive agent contacts the skin. The symptoms of eczema varies from person to person extending from itching to bleeding. The first reaction to eczema includes itching, redness, and burning, followed by edema, papules, vesicles, and oozing. Sooner the vesicles dries up, forms crust and finally peels. If the reaction occurs repeatedly, the person tends to scratch the skin which may lead to thickening of the skin and pigmentation. In course of time it may lead to bacterial infection.
The main aim of treating eczema is to rest the involved skin and protect it from further damage. Treatment for eczema includes,
* Application of bland, unmedicated creams or lotion over the inflammed skin to prevent them from further dryness.
* Application of a cool, wet dressing or Burow's solution over the vesicles to reduce itching and promote soothing.
* Applying a thin layer of topical corticosteroid in the form of cream or lotion.
* Medicated baths at room temperature may be prescribed for eczema which is over larger area of the body.
* A short course of systemic corticosteroids like prednisone may be advised for 7-10 days for those with severe conditions.
* Antibiotics may be prescribed if secondary infection occurs.
* Oral antihistamines may also be prescribed by certain doctors to control itching.
* Finely cracked ice added to the water can be applied over the affected area and also the fore head as a compress if fever occurs.
Tips to prevent eczema: It takes at least 4 months for an eczema to heal completely. Here are some of the tips that can prevent and as well as help in complete healing of eczema.
* Always keep your skin moist. Apply hydrophilic creams or petroleum jelly if you have a dry skin.
* Study the pattern and location of eczema and think over the things you touched that may have caused the problem.
* Try to avoid contact with those materials again.
* Avoid all kinds of external irritants like heat, soap, and rubbing.
* Avoid cosmetic creams or any topical lotion except the ones specifically prescribed for you.
* Wash your skin thoroughly immediately when you come in contact with any suspected irritants.
* Wear gloves while washing dishes or doing general cleaning. If you are using a rubber gloves make sure they are cotton-lined and don't wear them for more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time.
Since eczema is not a disease in itself, but body's reaction to certain stimulants, prevention is always better than cure. Always remember to avoid anything that causes a reaction to your body and take suitable precautions when you have to handle agents that might have adverse reactions on your body.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland caused by infectious agents like bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma or by other problems like prostatic hyperplasia, urethral stricture. Microorganisms are carried to the prostate from the urethra. Prostatitis may be classified as bacterial or abacterial, depending on the presence or absence of microorganisms in the prostatic fluid. They can also be classified as bacterial or fungal or mycoplasmic prostatitis.
Prostatitis symptoms are perineal discomfort, burning sensation, urgency, frequency of urination, and pain with or after ejaculation. The symptoms of prostate problems affect the person more psychologically and adds stress to life. Prostatodynia is the medical terminology for pain in the prostate. It is manifested by pain on voiding or perineal pain without any evidence of inflammation or bacterial growth in the prostatic fluid.
The symptoms of prostatitis differs between acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis. In acute bacterial prostatitis, the person may have sudden fever and chills, perineal, rectal or low back pain. Urinary symptoms such as dysuria (pain while urinating), frequency (passing urine very often), urgency (an urge to pass urine immediately or feeling of poor control), and nocturia (getting up more than once at night to pass urine) indicate prostatitis. On the other hand, some may have acute bacterial prostatitis and still be asymptomatic.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis may present with frequency, dysuria, and occasionally urethral discharge. But high fever and chills are uncommon. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is the major cause of relapsing urinary tract infection in men. Prostatitis is diagnosed with careful history and culture of the prostatic fluid or tissue. Three samples of urine/fluid is collected at three different stages of urination in three different container to check the origin of infection.
Prostatitis may lead to abscess formation and septisemia which is very dangerous to life. Swelling of the prostate gland due to prostatitis may cause urinary retention (stasis of urine) that may in turn lead to other complications like epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), bacteremia (bacteria in blood), and pyelonephritis (infection of the kidneys). Acute bacterial prostatitis can be treated with antibiotics and pain relievers, but chronic bacterial prostatitis is difficult to treat with antibiotics because the bacteria would have become resistant to all antibiotics.
Any type of prostatitis manifests with some kind of symptoms. If you notice any symptoms mentioned above, make sure you visit the doctor immediately. Prostatitis is curable and it is not a sexually transmitted disease and it is nothing to be embarassed of.
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