Chronic pain is usually caused by chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, end stage cancers or spinal injury which are not curable. The words "no cure" will itself bring pain to the heart. No pain can be compared with labor pain but most women come over it easily because they are going to receive a bundle of joy. It's not the same with chronic pain, you will have to bear them all your life for no good reason. Anyways, there are other alternate therapies to manage pain successfully.
Firstly, you must keep in mind that chronic pain is a part of your life and you are going to live with it. Secondly, understand that you cannot pass on the pain to somebody else, only you are going to bear it. It is the cross you are called to carry. Thirdly, you have to take optimal measures to keep yourself pain free which can be done with other's support. Fourthly, don't lose heart and carry on with your treatment until you succeed.
DIVERSION THERAPY: This is the best therapy I ever suggest for anybody with chronic pain. Don't think that you are going to get the pain soon, instead divert yourself in the activities you enjoy like reading books, watching television, calling a friend on the phone, bird watching, drawing, cooking or whatever. Just forget about the pain and concentrate on something else.
PSYCHO THERAPY: This is one way you ventilate your feeling to somebody you rely on so that all your burdens are lessened including your pain. Opening up the bottled up feelings can be done with anybody say your mother, daughter, nurse, friend or anybody on whom you put your trust. It need not be a psychotherapist all the time. Many patients say that a kind nurse who spares time to listen to their problems cures half their disease.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: When you are stuck with pain, take your regular prescribed medication for pain and get back to work. If your health does not permit you to do office works try occupational therapy. Here, you'll be taught about various other works which you can perform inspite your deformity. Learn what all you can do and lead a productive life. Occupation will boost your self esteem, show independency and of course a good diversion.
PHYSIO THERAPY: Pain will usually impair your mobility and thereby unexercising your body will cause muscle wasting and weakness. Try out active and passive exercises. Get a good physiotherapist and work on it. Active exercise will relieve pain to a great extent.
RELAXATION THERAPY: This is one another therapy that makes you forget pain. Relax not only your body but also your mind. You can learn to relax each and every muscle of your body. Yoga relaxes your body and eventually relieves your pain. Deep breathing exercises have proved to relieve spasmodic pain. Keeping your mind relaxed and being stress free also relieves pain.
ACUPUNCTURE: Assessing the nerve which supplies the particular body part that causes pain and blocking them will allivate pain which is done by acupuncture. These needle pricks are painless and it can keep you pain free for quite a period of time.
SUPPORT THERAPY: You can identify groups who mirror your problem. Learn how they manage pain and their coping skills so that you can apply a few of them. They are practical and living examples. When you meet such people you will feel your pain is nothing compared to them. You can find such groups through your doctors who are supposed to leave you with those information and also from the internet.
FAMILY THERAPY: Family must be a good support to your sick relative who is in pain. Do talk kind words with them, visit them, take them for a walk. The sick person needs more attention than a normal person. Spend more time with them, listen to them and make them feel respected. And you too (sick person) have to take come out and not be withdrawn all the time.
SPIRITUAL THERAPY: Meditation also relieves pain. Make sure you go to church and involve in spiritual activities. If you are bed ridden, inform the church pastor so that he comes home and shares the good news with you and prays for you. You read Bible daily, give God His due and He definitely cares for you. Let this not be your last choice of treatment.
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