Sunday, January 29, 2012

Foods for COPD

Any factor that interferes with normal breathing quite naturally induces anxiety, depression and changes in behaviour. Those with COPD find the slightest exertion exhausting and most of them find eating as a difficult task to be performed. They are fatigued by their constant shortness of breath which makes them anorexic and irritable when they look at food. They need some realistic goals to be set in order to cope up with the disease which includes the change in dietary pattern as well.

1. The COPD patients have secretions in their lungs which should be brought out to improve breathing. A fluid intake upto 3000 ml per day is highly recommended unless there is no contraindication. This increased fluid intake will dilute the thick secretions.

2. They commonly have productive cough and bring out sputum. Protein is lost from the body through sputum. Protein should be supplemented more, either in the form of semi-solids or liquids.

3. Juices rich in viamin C can be given to fight infection.

4. Gas producing foods, spicy foods and extremely hot and cold foods should be avoided.

5. A diet rich in calories and protein is very good.

6. Take small frequent feeds. This avoids exertion and also prevents the stomach pushing the diaphragm which interferes with lung expansion.

7. Takefood in fowler's position (sitting upright). This aids easy breathing and make you eat quite comfortably.

8. Keep the room free of any powerful or bad odor. This will promote a good sense to eat. Any strong odor may irritate the respiratory tract.

9. Serve food attractively. Family members make sure you serve the food in a apealing way that the smell and sight causes good appetite to them.

10. Take food that you like and avoid food that you dislike.

11. Breathing through mouth will cause dryness and make the tongue get coated. Drink frequent fluids and clean your tongue which will improve your appetite.

12. Antioxidents from fresh vegetables and fruits is good. They help to repair damaged cells. The vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidents include all green, yellow and orange vegetables also berries, cherries, prunes, oranges, plums and grapes.

13. Recent researchers have proved red wine is good for lungs. It's said to have protective factor for lungs and also reverses certain condition that supresses immune system.

14. Red bell peppers are believed to loosen thick secretion and give a relief after the secretions are brought out.

15. Ginger and garlic can be added in making regular diet which improves the blood circulation to the lungs.

16. Fish oils and supplemental omega-2 fatty acids have been beneficial for persons with COPD though the exact mechanism of action is unknown.

17. Avoiding fatty foods is good in COPD because patiets with COPD already are obese with more abdominal fat which interferes with breathing.

18. Take food when you are more relaxed.

19. Take your main meal at the early part of the day which will keep you active through out the day.

20. Do not lie down as soon as you eat.

21. Take more fluids and semisolids than solids which will need more of your effort for chewing and digestion.

22. Restrict sodium intake which will cause fluid retention.

23. Take high fiber diet which helps to move food along the digestive tract, better controls blood glucose levels, and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

24. If you are one cooking at home, cook something that is easy to do. Conserve your energy. Store extra food in the freezer and eat them when you feel tired.

25. Cut vegetables and fruits into smaller pieces and eat them slowly.

I hope these tips will be useful to you. Try to enjoy your food with the family everyday. Plan a dinner out atleast once every week.

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