Headaches are terrible and they make the day miserable. Sinus headaches and migraine are two different types of headaches and they vary in their manifestation, pathophysiology and treatment. However, both are painful and can be eased by various techniques.
Sinus headaches: They are characterized by pain around the eyes (periorbital area) and facial parts especially in the mornings while awakening. They are sometimes confused with the migraine headaches, if the headache is single sided where only left or right sinus is infected. A careful history and diagnostic assessment will confirm the diagnosis.
Easing sinus headaches:
1. Sinus headaches are usually followed by common cold where the sinuses are blocked by thick mucus and are infected when left untreated. In order to loosen this thick secretion steam inhalation is the best treatment of choice. Boil water in a wide mouth vessel, remove them from the stove, add few drops of eucalyptus oil or vicks, place them in a comfortable and safe place, cover yourself with a blanket and start inhaling the steam through nose and exhale through mouth. This process will loosen secretion and relieve sinus pressure which directly will ease your headache. Hot shower, facial sauna and steam bath also works under the same mechanism to relieve pain.
2. Giving slight pressure over the painful eyebrows or cheek bone or teeth or even some parts of skull which are involved can relieve headache. Some try tieing towel or ribbon around the head to apply pressure but this is not advisable because it may interfere with blood supply.
3. Ice packs or ice compress can be applied to the temporal region which will cause vaso-constriction and there by relieve headache and reduce temperature (because they are accompanied with fever). Hot wet packs also soothe the affected area.
4. Gentle massages with vicks or tiger balm or axe oil do help.
5. Humidifier makes the air moist and when inhaled can thin the secretion which plugs the sinuses to certain extent and relieve pressure that causes headache.
6. Antihistamines like citrizine act as decongestant and sedative to relieve pressure and induce sleep.
7. Antibiotics like amoxicillin, ampicillin, septran DS or bactrim DS are used to treat the infection which in turn relieves headache.
8. Oral and topical decongestants like afrin or otrivin are prefered to loosen and drain out secretions.
9. Irrigating the sinuses also alleviates pain and infection.
10. If the above mentioned tips does not work and if the headache becomes a chronic problem, the exact cause is identified and surgery may be advised.
Migraine headache: This headache is preceded by a phase called aura where the person experiences visual disturbances (light flashes), some experience numb and tingling sensation over the hands or face, mild confusion, slight weakness of extremities and dizziness. The headache is throbbing and severe, usually associated with photophobia, nausea and vomiting. The person recovers from this headache after long hours of sleep with muscle contraction and muscle ache in the neck and scalp.
Migraine headaches can attack at any part of the day. It has a strong family history and usually affects the female gender.
Easing migraine headache:
1. If diet is the reason for this kind of headache, foods containing tyramine, monosodium glutamate, nitrates or milk products like cheese, chocolates and other processed foods should be avoided.
2. Oral contraceptives are believed to cause migraine headaches in some women. In such case, it can be discussed with your physician and proper decision can be taken.
3. Stress is considered the main reason reason for migraine headaches. A change in job or environment is advisable.
4. If habits like smoking or drinking is bringing about this headache, a lifestyle modification should be considered.
5. Certain medications like antihypertensives (hydralazine, diuretics), anti-inflammatory and monoamine oxidase inhibitors can provoke a migraine headache. If you are on such medications, it can be discussed with your doctor and appropriate decisions can be taken.
6. Having a regular sleep and meal pattern will definitely prevent and relieve this kind of headaches.
7. Ergotamine tartrate is the drug prescribed for migraine headaches which can be used orally, sublingually, intra-muscularly, sub-cutaneously, per rectum or by inhalation as well. It has its own side-effects and hence it has to be taken only with doctor's knowledge.
8. Sumatriptan is said to relieve moderate to severe migraine and is available in the form of subcutaneous injection which could be taken by the person himself.
9. Lying down quietly in a dark room with the head kept slightly elevated (30 degrees) can relieve an acute attack more easily.
10. Caffeine is said to arrest or reduce the severity of headache in 90% of migraine sufferers. Black coffee works good for many.
11. Different medication helps for different people. Analgesics, sedatives, antianxiety agents and antiemetics are wide range of medications that are administered to relieve headaches.
12. Propranolol, beta-blocker which halts the dilation of blood vessels in brain is believed to have antimigraine action.
Though headaches are the most common of all human physical complaints, it should be taken seriously. Headache is actually a symptom rather than a disease entity that may indicate other dreadful diseases. Seek treatment at the earliest because prevention is always better than cure.
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